As a reward for being such amazing readers, we have teamed up with some of our favourite UK brands to offer our biggest ever UK giveaway valued at £600!!
Every day (for 12 days) you have the chance to win all 12 prizes varying from dog clothes, toys, treats and food. That is 12 prizes for 1 lucky winner. It is sure to be the best Christmas you and your dog have ever had.
So here we go
Sample of what will be included in your dogs stocking. We will try our best to make it as breed and sex appropriate as we can
As a final day of goodies, we thought we would put together a goodie bag of some of our fav toys and treats for you our amazing readers.
Included will be a doggy Christmas stocking
and a few of our favourite products that are suitable for your dogs breed and sex
Thank you all so much for supporting us over the last few years and this is our way of saying Thank You for being such awesome readers. City Dog Expert would not be where it is if it wasn’t for you, our incredible readers.
Make sure you enter to be able to win ALL 12 days of prizes. That’s right, one reader will win ALL 12 giveaways
Good Luck