
Road trip to Scotland

Hey guys, So those of your who have been following us on FB, instagram and Snapchat know we have been in Scotland for the last week on a mega road trip. This is the first big road trip we have been on with the dogs and I must tell you that they were incredibly well behaved and really surprised us all with their manners. Day…

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My dog was hit by a car

There are some moments when being a dog owner is the hardest thing in the world. Where everything goes in slow motion. When you realise that as an owner of another being, you made a terrible mistake. All these thoughts and more went through my head when Houdini was hit by a car a few days ago. What started off as a normal (yet frantic)…

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Flea Time

Sadly it’s that time of year again- Flea time. Fleas are quite possibly the most annoying pet parasite and make a pet owners life a misery. Here are a few tips on how to spot fleas on your dog and how to get rid of them. Thankfully in most areas, fleas only appear in the warmer months but we know in some areas these little…

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The importance of Puppy Socialization

What is Socialization? Socialisation is a broad term used to describe mentally and physically preparing your pup for the world around them. These imporatant skills are developed in the first few months of your dogs life and will last it’s lifetime. Puppies that are socialized well are less prone to reacting badly to noises, other dogs or other people. A well socialised puppy is more likely…

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Dog Boarding or Pet Sitter

When leaving Fido alone for a period of time, make sure that someone experienced and reliable is in charge so you can get on with having fun knowing your dog is in safe hands. Pet Sitters and Boarding facilities are the most popular options for leaving our pets so we decided to give you a quick guide to both Pet Sitter Comes to the house…

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Socializing a City Puppy

Some people don’t give their city pups the right amount of socialization because they are worried about them catching a disease. However, what we can do as pet owners is balance the need for socialization with the risk of disease. By controlling the conditions, you are minimizing risk.       Our job as City pup owners is to expose our pup to as many…

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City Dog Expert

City Dog ExpertCity Dog Expert is Europe’s number one resource for urban dogs.

As featured in Wall Street Journal, New York Press,
The Sun, Chicago Tribune & Financial Times

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