So now that the summer is really showing it’s face, the dogs are going out on more activities in and about the city. The problem with city activities is City dirt 🙁
Where ever we take the pups, we always take a packet of Kleen Pet waterless washing gloves with us to keep the puppies clean whatever the weather. Living in England often means unpredictable weather so knowing that if it starts to get muddy or super dirty I can still keep the pups clean saves me a lot of time, hassle and bathing time.
The Kleen Pet waterless washing gloves have also been lifesavers since Houdini had his accident. Because Houdini has had stitches in his leg (and he is still recovering from his accident) means that he cannot have a bath. Being a mostly white dogs means that all dirt shows up on him and he starts to smell. We have been using the Kleen Pet gloves every day to stay on top of Houdini’s cleanliness and smell level until he is well enough to be washed.
The summer adventures so far have included; the beach, woodlands, walking through the city, dog park and fox poo rolling (thank you Jester). We love getting out and about whenever we can and try and always take the dogs with us on the adventure.
Where do you take your dog to get mucky?
*This is a Sponsored Post but all opinions are my own