How Cold is Too Cold to Walk Your Dog?


Brit’s have experienced a flurry of snowfall over the weekend, but the freezing weather doesn’t stop there. Fresh weather warnings have been issued as temperatures could plummet as low as -10°C in some parts of the country.

A bit of cold weather is never normally enough to put our four-legged friends off spending some time outside, but how cold is too cold when it comes to walking your furry friend?

We’ve spoken to Carolyn Menteith, Behaviourist at, who has given her expert advice on walking your dog in cold weather and when you should stay inside.

Consider your dog’s breed type

First of all, it depends on your dog’s breed or type. Some breeds have thick coats with an undercoat and enough body fat to easily cope with the cold. Many even love the cold far more than they enjoy a summer’s day. Others have thin coats and light builds, so they can’t cope with even the hint of a draft without feeling the chill and demanding a jumper to go for a wee.Look at the country where your dog’s breed (or breeds) were originally developed and what they were bred to do. Was it a cold climate where they’d be outdoors and working all day? Or was it in a sunnier climate, where the most they had to do was be a treasured indoor companion?

Think about their age

Also consider your dog’s age. The very young and very old do not cope well with temperature extremes, and they are also less likely to be physically active and stay warm through exercise. For the babies and the veterans, it’s best to err on the side of caution.

Watch out for icy hazards

A bigger consideration than whether it’s too cold is ice. Icy pavements can cause considerable damage to your dog’s paw pads and can also be hard to walk on. The rock salt mixed with sand or gravel that’s used to de-ice roads and pavements can cause dryness, chemical burns and cracking to paws (this goes for noses too) and so should be avoided.For the hairies, snow can ball up on the legs, feet and in between the toes. Paw balm or boots can help prevent this if it becomes an issue with your dog.

Top Tips for Winter Walks With Your Dog: 

1. Remember whatever your dog’s view of the cold is, they still need just as much exercise, stimulation and enrichment on cold days as every other day of the year – otherwise they’ll get bored, depressed or frustrated.

2. If you have a breed that’s happy in the cold, wrap up warmly yourself and enjoy your usual long walk. Play games and keep active so your dog stays warm.

3. Watch out for snow drifts, ice, grit, antifreeze, frozen ponds, and other winter hazards. Remember when crossing roads or walking around traffic that drivers might not be able to stop as quickly as usual.

4. Use a reflective collar, harness, and lead—and wear reflective clothing yourself—so you can be seen.

5. If you have a dog who’s very much a hot house flower, an older dog, or a young puppy, replace their daily walks on the colder (below freezing—or cold, wet, and windy) days with indoor games, training, enrichment, problem-solving tasks, and your company.

6. If you don’t like going out in the cold and the wet, that’s fine, but your dog needs just as much stimulation on days when you don’t want to venture out. They’ll enjoy interacting with you on training games, sniffaris, and enrichment toys more than you, dashing out and back in again on a rushed winter walk you hate every minute of.

7. When you get home, don’t forget to dry your dog off with a towel. They’re most likely to get a chill if they’re lying around wet.

8. If it’s been snowy, check their paws for balls of snow between their toes.

City Dog Expert

City Dog ExpertCity Dog Expert is Europe’s number one resource for urban dogs.

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