Just like us humans are always told to look after our feet as “we can’t go anywhere without them”, it is just as important to keep our dogs feet healthy.
The grit that is used to melt ice on our City streets can really damage our dogs feet. The combination of chemicals and salt can result in cuts, inflammation and sensitivity.
Do– Clean your dogs paws after a walk or get dog booties
Don’t– walk your dog through heavily gritted areas
Keeping on top of clipping our dogs nails is just as important in Winter as it is in Summer. Having too much fur between the pads of your dogs feet can cause uncomfortable ice balls when walking your dog in the snow.
Dog in the snow- Creative Commons: John Talbot
Do– keep nails short and feet fur trimmed
Don’t– walk your dog through thick snow unless unavoidable
Christmas Tree needles can cause a lot of pain when your dog treads on them, sometimes even piercing the skin
Do– Clean all fallen pine needles as soon as possible and consider an artificial tree
Don’t– leave your dog unsupervised by the tree
Cracked paws often happen in winter because of the harsher conditions.
Do– use a paw balm or protective spray on your dogs paws
Don’t– ignore bleeding paws. Get your dog checked out by a vet asap
Anti Freeze is very toxic to cats and dogs. The chemicals inside anti-freeze have a sweet smell and flavour that is very attractive to our pets.
Do– make sure your store your anti-freeze in a high cupboard in a sealed container
Don’t– leave your dog alone in a room or car where they can get to antifreeze. Any signs of anti freeze poisoning (vomiting, lethargy) get your dog to the emergency vet