The Big Walk in London (May 6th)


Pet lovers invited to join The Big Walk in Battersea Park

Cinnamon Trust volunteers and their dog ambassador will go out for walks across the country in support of older people and terminally ill pet owners

On bank holiday Monday, May 6th , The Cinnamon Trust will be holding The Big Walk. This nationwide event will see existing volunteers, their dog ambassadors, and supporters across the country coming out in force to join their local walk, celebrating the cherished bond between pet owners and their beloved companions, and bringing awareness to the strength a community has in helping preserve this special bond.

The Big Walk is also coming to London at Battersea Park, extending an open invitation to all pet lovers who are eager to lace up their shoes and join a day filled with endless smiles and wagging tails.

To bring The Big Walk to different communities across the United Kingdom, the charity has collaborated closely with its volunteer network, who graciously offered to organise over 40 walks nationwide.

On the big day, participants will be welcomed by the volunteer organisers accompanied by a warmly familiar presence – their Official Dog Ambassador. Those joining the Big Walk in Battersea Park, will meet at 2pm at the Chelsea Gate Entrance and be welcomed by Marcel, eagerly waiting to give them a wag of approval and tell them how paw-some they are.

Patrick Williams, The Cinnamon Trust’s Chief Executive, shares his excitement about The Big Walk stating: 
“This event is more than just going out for a stroll! It reflects the essence of our work, which is kindness and community woven together. It stands as a testament to our unwavering belief in the incredible power found within our communities, and we are deeply honoured to once again have the generosity of our community!” 

Every year, The Cinnamon Trust, alongside its dedicated network of over 20,000 volunteers, provides support to more than 155,000 individuals and 156,000 cherished pets throughout the United Kingdom. Their work helps older and terminally ill owners enjoy the full benefits of pet ownership by assisting them when any aspect of the day-to-day care of their pets poses a problem, thus saving them a great deal of sorrow and pain.

This year’s Big Walk is also supported by animal enthusiasts such as Brian Blessed OBE, whose stirring call in a special video beckons others to join: 

“In this dark age, it’s so important to do such wonderful things, for the terminally ill and older people, and for all kinds of people! My lovely 15-year-old rescue Roxy and I will be doing the walk. It will be a great, great day. I look forward to seeing you!”  


The upcoming Big Walk marks The Trust’s second annual event following the success of last year’s walk, which had over 730 people and 300 dogs join across the country to support the initiative. 

Those eager to learn more about The Big Walk can read more details on The Trust’s website. For those without online access but wanting to take part, please get in touch with The Big Walk team at 01736 758 701.

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